See these legs...
Unfortunately they were amputated from the pumpkin witch that Brie made. I helped her come up with the idea to make a Pumpkin witch and provided the supplies and the supervision, so she could enter the pumpkin contest. We didn't quite spend enough time figuring out how to keep the witch's legs on her round body. When Brie & Brodie & their mom tried to deliver their pumpkins to the library, it wasn't long before they received a phone call to tell them that Brie's pumpkin had fallen apart. We went and picked her up and did some surgery, took her back, but she just didn't like her legs. She jumped off the table while we were checking out new books and fell apart again. We then decided there was nothing we could do except to have a leg-less witch (and Brie was okay with that)! By this point, we were just ready to be finished with this pumpkin project :)
Luckily, Brodie's Franken-Pumpkin was very cooperative and was fun for him to make.
Brie won honorable mention in her age group (Brodie won in our hearts)!! And since we made special memories, it was definitely a win-win project!!
Sorry for the photo quality, these were taken with my phone.
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